Sunday, March 21, 2010


Macy Lou Sharpe

We added a new addition to our family on Friday. Macy is a 7 week old Maltipoo (Maltese & Poodle). We got her a little earlier than thought but all will work out. We had put a deposit down with a breeder in Delta for first pick of the litter due very soon but the breeder came across our Macy who fit exactly what we were looking for. We preferred mostly white ( Macy has a little tan on her ears) and we definitely wanted a female. When breeding with a poodle, you are never sure what breed traits will dominate. You can get all colors, spots, curly to straight hair, and either Maltese or poodle features. We like the Maltese look but not all the grooming requirements and poodles are very smart and easy to train. This was definitely a mother's sacrifice. Those of you who know me, know that I am a big dog lover but the girls, mostly Taylor, has wanted a little dog for a very long time. She is no Champ dog but I must admit she is super cute and the girls just adore her. They have been very helpful in taking her out to potty. It has only been 2 days so hopefully they will keep it up. Macy has been doing very good. No accidents in the house and we crate her at night. She goes 7 hours, 11 - 6, so far so I'm not complaining. We had planned a trip to Illinois to visit Grandma B over spring break so Macy will now be joining us. Should be interesting! The breeder offered to keep her for the week but I didn't want to take the week away with the girls. They were in tears over it. Keep watching...I'm sure we'll have many more photos to share :)
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