Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Field Trip

Last week, Miss Sheila's Shining Stars preschool class took a field trip to the Spangler Candy Company in Bryan, OH. They are famous for making the Dum-Dum sucker and candy canes. It was scheduled so Taylor and I could both go for the fun and to help out. We road a trolley through the factory and warehouses. They are already packaging suckers for Easter. Unfortunately, due to health regulations, we weren't able to see the kitchen. We had to watch a video on how the candy is made, but it is very interesting. The hair nets were another added bonus, it is company regulation that ALL workers and visitors were one.
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Sunday, December 17, 2006


Don't leave your purse in the car....no matter where you are! Wednesday evening while watching Taylor at gymnastics class, someone decided to smash the passenger window in the van and steal my purse. Another lady in class also had hers stolen. We both had them hidden, we thought very well, under the seat. We were told by the police that thieves are targeting vans in parks, libraries, YMCA's, gyms, etc....You usually don't need money or a purse while going to these places so the thief usually knows it is somewhere in the vehicle. Now, after going through the hassle of paying my $250 insurance deductible, cancelling ALL my credit cards, putting a fraud alert on everyone's social security number and a fraud alert on my credit report, and getting my window fixed, my passenger door will not open from the inside and you can hear glass rattle in the door when you shut out. So hopefully, with a few MORE phone calls Monday morning we can get everything fixed. Now for the good news....believe it or not, there is good news, I guess! A good citizen actually found both purses laying on the roadside downtown Toledo. We met up Thursday afternoon. Of course, everything in my purse had been gone through....YUCK! All my cash, only $4 dollars and change, plus my credit cards were gone so it wasn't a good bust. They were obviously after cash. I will now be taking my purse in with me everywhere I go or leaving it at home. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Concert

Today was the girls' christmas concert at church. The song choices were kind of hard for young ones, but they did great on stage in front of everyone. They were excited that Nana and Grampa Jim came to watch them. Posted by Picasa

Taylor's Birthday Party

Saturday, Taylor had her 6th birthday party. She had about 15 friends at a ceramic shop for pizza, painting, cake/ice cream and lots of fun. Posted by Picasa
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Well, we finally got around to putting up Christmas decorations. I was a little slow this year and the girls were getting VERY impatient. They had great fun! Of course, all the decorations they hung were around the bottom so mom had to do a little rearranging. Posted by Picasa


We had our first snow in Ohio last week, only a little, but the girls wanted to go out and play. Taylor was already off to school, so Emma & Ella went out for a little while. I think they will have great fun this year making snowmen, forts and sledding once there is alot of snow. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 12, 2006