Monday, July 28, 2008

Grandma B's

We had super fun during our visit with B and everyone else this summer. We did a little school shopping, lots of swimming, we had a sleepover at Aunt Jane's house, a visit to Bishop Hill(kinda like Sauders in Archbold but this is still a real town), lots of park playing, visits with Aunt Sue's, Aunt Becky, Aunt Jane/Uncle Jason and cousins Brittany, Olivia and Emily, we got to visit my grade school friend Shawn and her son, and lots of eating.

B had 2 horses in her field this summer....Misty and Pepper. This is Misty who is not the friendliest of the two but the girls got to feed them both carrots and sugar cubes by hand.

Bug hunting at Grandmas was the best! The girls found a baby toad, crickets, grasshoppers, a praying mantis and LOTS of lightning bugs.

Taylor, Emma and Ella are on the left with Aunt Jane(my sister) standing behind them. Brittany is in the gray t-shirt in front with Olivia behind her and her friend, Paige, in the very front.
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The curly Q float with Olivia, Ella and Taylor. This one was hard to master.

Yes...this is Ella jumping off the diving board by herself. The noodle you see is being held by an adult so she can get to the side easier once she comes up but by the end of our week she was pushing it away saying: "I can swim by myself" and that she did.

Take a look at the size of this slide and Emma going down all by herself. Sister Jane and I helped the speed of it by cleaning it with wax paper. Take my word for it, the bigger you are....the faster you go. You can see Grandma B in the upper left corner, by the tree, looking on.
Emma doing what she does best in a pool....relaxing!
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Hiton Head Island

We had super fun at Hilton Head this year! This was our 2nd year in a row staying in the same condo in Palmetto Dunes which is located about mid-island so it is close to everything. It is such a relaxing place to be (even with 3 kids). We hit the pool and beach every morning and did manage to get in a little shopping, a game of putt-putt golf and lots of eating. It was so fun to watch the girls become so comfortable in the pool and ocean everyday we were there and so much more than last year. The weather was absolutely beautiful and the beach sunsets are amazing.
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Emma's Dance Recital

Finally....I have pictures of Emma in her dance outfit to share. I don't have any good ones of the actual recital(it was too dark) and the butterfly costumes weren't done when they had photos taken but these are too cute! Group photo Front- Montana, Middle L-R-Emma and Lydia, Back L-R-Emily and Madilyn.