Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The new addition....

.....Romo. Don't ask me how this happened. Those of you who know me, know that I am NOT a cat person. We had been to visit the Toledo Humane Society many times and always came home empty handed. Well, the girls convinced Dad to go after church on Sunday and we came home with a new 8 week old kitten. Easy for him to say yes when he doesn't have to do any of the work. Although, the last few days have gone pretty smooth. He stays in the utility room with his food, litter box and kitty bed when we are not home until he can get up and down the stairs and is fully litter trained. The girls absolutely love him and it keeps them occupied from the minute they get up til the second they are in bed. We ended up with a male because we were told they are more of a lap cat and females can be very moody (go figure). Champ also loves him....the kitty isn't too sure yet but I soon think they will be best buds.
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Back to school!

Taylor started her first day of second grade last Thursday. She got her favorite teacher, Mrs. Siravo, and is in class with all her good friends. The school walking/biking gang: Anna, Sara, Tanner, Taylor, Ashley, Matt and Ethan are all set for their first day.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cedar Point

Dave and I decided to take the girls on a quick mini-vacation to Cedar Point before school started. We were actually kind of nervous about how it would go considering neither Dave or I ride rides but it was a GREAT time! They have a new Planet Snoopy area for kids that the girls loved. Taylor did talk me into going on the Jr. Gemini roller coaster...the things moms do for their kids but I survived and Taylor loved it. She went a second time with Emma and Dave. I can see Emma being the "roller coaster" girl. We spent the second day of our mini-vacation at the African Wildlife Park. The girls liked it so much the first time that they wanted to share it with Daddy but the second time around wasn't quite as fun....I think the novelty had worn off and the animals seemed to be more aggresive so the girls didn't want the windows down. Watch for photos to come.

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African Wildlife Safari Park

L to R: Emma, Sydney, Reagan, Ashlyn, Eric, Joey, Carli, Ella, Taylor and Miss Sheila
L to R: Reagan, Carli, Ashlyn, Sydney, Joey and Emma....OH, and don't forget the 7 foot snake they are holding. The head is actually wrapped around behind Emma. Taylor and Ella wanted nothing to do with it and I can't blame them. I was very proud of Emma....she had no hesitation. Look forward to the upcoming photo of Emma holding the snake all by herself.
The African Wildlife Safari Park was a great summer field trip planned for the Shining Stars Preschool. It is a drive thru zoo that has deer, antelope, buffalo, moose, ox, giraffes, zebras, etc... that actually come right to your car and you can feed and pet them. You can see Ella petting the deer above and the deer with its head inside our van. Outside of the drive thru area there is a small section with a few animals, pig races, pony and camel rides and a small pet show where they have the snake. It is super fun...check it out! http://www.africansafariwildlifepark.com/

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Toledo Zoo

The girls and I enjoyed a great day at The Toledo Zoo with our good friends Heather, Tanner and Ashley. They loved petting & combing the Guinea Pigs and the butterfly house.
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