Sunday, September 09, 2007

Canal Boat Field trip

L to R: Emma, Ella, Reagan, Carly and Sophia

I was lucky enough to join the girls for their school field trip on the Canal Boat ride. This is a mule drawn historic boat that travels down a stretch of the Miami & Erie canals in Grand Rapids, OH. It was a super fun day and we had perfect weather! We all enjoyed the boat ride, historical information/performance that was done on the boat, a park picnic and lots of playing.
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Catching Up

Emma & Ella with their preschool teacher, Ms Sheila, on their first day of school at Sheila's Shining Stars.
Ella behind the wheel of anything is scary....WATCH OUT! Although she does drive much better than Emma.
Emma enjoys the scooter.
Taylor has FINALLY mastered her bike with NO training wheels! We set a goal for the first day of school and it was mostly up to her to do it. Dave & I had done everything we could physically to help her. It was just making up her own mind to do it and she did.....the evening of her 1st day of 1st grade. Now, we have created a monster that wants to ride her bike everywhere. We are fortunate to live in an area with lots of sidewalks and little traffic. We are practicing road rules and safety.
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