Monday, February 23, 2009

Caught on video.....

....Ella singing in the shower! She was taking a shower in our bathroom, which she rarely does, and started singing the second I walked out. I couldn't get to my camera fast enough. It is just too funny. She definitely started to show off a little once she realized I was filming her. I still laugh till I cry every time I watch this.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


Last weekend we had one of the 9 foot shelving sections in our master bedroom walk-in closet fall. What a MESS! We decided to make the most of it and completely gut the closet, paint it and have closet maid closet professionals come in to hang new shelving and shoe racks. If only it could stay this clean. Afterall, it is a closet, and that's where all the "junk" goes. It was a good excuse to clear out some clothes though. Dave and I are both making large contributions to this years garage sale. This was only the start of what turned out to be a bad week...keep reading!

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We have all been a little under the weather this past week. It started with the girls having the sniffles...Taylor missed a 1/2 day of school on Tuesday and then a stomach bug Tuesday night and Wednesday. Emma starting vomiting Tuesday evening followed by me into Wednesday. Thank goodness it only seemed to be a 24 hour thing and neither Ella or Taylor got it. Dave also got his walking cast this past week. For those of you that don't know, Dave has been complaining about shin pain in his left leg since December. He finally decided to see a doctor last week and after a bone scan, it was discovered that he has a broken tibia. If he follows doctors orders(which is sometimes very hard for Dave) he can stay in the removable walking cast for hopefully 8 weeks followed by therapy for a full recovery.